We welcome all types of contributions for building SDKs in various tech stacks or developing use cases with the Litlyx API. For requests, join our Discord and talk with the team, or send an email to: help@litlyx.com.

Base URL

The Litlyx API is built on REST principles. We recommend using HTTPS for every request to enhance data security and privacy. The API does not support HTTP.

The base URL is:



All API endpoints are authenticated using Bearer tokens, which are picked up from the specification file.

Authorization: Bearer lit_123456789

To get your Api Key, open the project’s settings tab on Litlyx Cloud.

Response Codes

Litlyx uses standard HTTP codes to indicate the success or failure of your requests.

200Successful request.
400Check that the parameters were correct.
401The API key used was missing.
403The API key used was invalid.
404The resource was not found.
429The rate limit was exceeded.
500Indicates an error with Litlyx servers.


To optimize API performance, our return value is dynamic. You need to specify rows with specific names, and the API will return only the values you request. Here is the list of row names to include in the body of your requests:

Row names for Visits

websiteWebsite domain.
pagePage path (url)
referrerExternal source from where the visit originates.
browserBrowser used by your visitor.
countryVisitor country.
continentVisitor continent.
osVisitor operative system.
deviceVisitor device.
created_atWhen the visit was made.
sessionSession formula: hash(daily_salt + strip(website_domain) + strip(ip_address) + user_agent)
flowHash*Internal use.

Row names for Events

nameEvent name.
metadataEvent metadata.
created_atWhen the event was made.
sessionSession formula: hash(daily_salt + strip(website_domain) + strip(ip_address) + user_agent)
How to extract metadata fields?

metadata: Get all the event’s metadata.

metadata.custom_field: Get only the metadata custom_field field.

Start integrating your data collected with Litlyx into your proprietary apps today!